KaraFlora Flower Bulbs


Detailed information landscape flower bulbs

Karaflora can bring you a wide variety of flower bulbs. By choosing the right varieties it is possible to achieve 5 months of flowering time. Our specialists can give you advise for planting schemes, including the use of summer flowering bulbs. Endless mixtures and combinations are possible. It is important to bear in mind the character of the area, mowing management and planting location.


Public green and parks
In public green areas flower bulbs can be combined perfectly with perennial plants. By doing so an attractive year round result can be achieved. For example a mix of snowdrops, crocus, narcissi, tulips with late flowering bulbs like alliums and carnassia are perfect partners for May flowering perennial plants.



All roundabouts have one thing in common; they are all situated on prominent locations and are therefore very suitable for a striking planting scheme. Flower bulbs, in combination with perennial plants, can create a year round colorful picture in various traffic situations. Nearly all flower bulbs can be used on roundabouts. 



When using flower bulbs in urban areas, a separate location can be prepared for varieties suitable for use in pots and containers. By using the right combination of varieties a spectacular color effect and a long flowering period can be achieved. The best way of doing this is to plant the various types at different depths.

Tulips can be planted quite deep and small narcissi less deep. It is even possible to add a third layer of very early crocuses or irises. With this 'lasagne'-method it is possible to create a flowering period of many weeks or even months, with the use of one pot or container.

For more information about combinations, mixtures and other possibilities please contact us.